.. _usage: Usage ===== After completing the :ref:`installation ` procedures, you can use the available or prebuilt **tagterm** executable alone or under the Java wrapper found under the *src* directory. Check *src/Main.java* as an example of handling the *src/tagterm* Java package. Python ------ On Windows, make sure that you have added your paths of interest properly under the `PATH` system environment variable or just use `python tagterm` under *bin* instead of `tagterm` when executing it as Python code. It is recommended to use the prebuilt executable called **tagterm.exe**. .. code-block:: bash # List of available commands. tagterm --help # Validate and convert HTML file to XHTML with permissive level 1. tagterm -v validate -i res/error.html -p tagterm -v convert -i res/error.html -p # Check and watch out for nonzero exit codes. tail tagterm.log # Now remove tags from the XHTML file. tagterm -v remove -i res/error-convert.xhtml cat res/error-convert-remove.xml # everything ok .. note:: The `-v` flag stands for *verbose* and you can also use `-o` option for putting the output in a separate path. Run with `-h` for more info, based on the chosen command. Java ---- As you can see in *src/Main.java* example you can simple validate a HTML file by running this (after importing the `tagterm` package): .. code-block:: java Tagterm tagterm = new Tagterm("tagterm"); tagterm.validate("res/error.html"); For conversion, removal and their [s]tring relatives, please consult the :ref:`API `. Tags ---- For editing the tags configuration file, you have to edit the *etc/tagterm/tags* file accordingly, then loading the new settings into your previously setup installed package to make a new build based on new settings. 1. Edit **tags** file. 2. Run `./setup.sh` or `setup.bat` again. 3. :ref:`Build ` again. 4. Use the newly created *bin/dist/tagterm* executable.